Hmm... ga tau kenapa akhir2 ini pengen banget nulis yg melow2 (melankolis mode : on)
Robert Louis Stevenson wrote :
"You can not run away from a weakness. You must fight it out or perish. And if that be so, why not now and where you stand?"
Kehilangan adalah sebuah seni... *The Art Of Losing..*
Sebuah proses, merasa dan cara untuk menanganinya.
Ini merupakan permainan pikiran, yang bodoh.
Bodoh, tetapi indah.....
There was a girl who realized what she wants when she doesn't have it with her anymore. She's so tired of everyone leaving. She's sure that they all have great reasons, but is still......HURTS....
She may smile when "it" leave, but the cheer is just a front. Furthermore, she thinks she is throwing but she's thrown. She's playing with her heart, mind and soul just to challenge herself:
Losing matters not how to straight the gate whiles the wall is not there.
Here she is, trying hard to build her wall of courage.
Harder she tries, harder she falls. The hardest part is.. She must keeps trying and falling.. She's fighting alone.
Yaaa... Because it's about time, the illusion is done and she's got to go.
Like every song has coda, a final movement. Whether it fades or crashes away, every song ends. And so does it, has to be ended.
When it ends.. happy or sad one, she realized....
She is the master of her fate and captain of her soul....
Face the fact, she's losing "it".
Sitting in her dark room, she cried...push herself to let go the past and start writing a new future. A future that not be troubled about, for it has yet to come.
Tries to live in present and make it so beautiful that it worth remembering. Even if it's for other shake.
For me, losing SUCK. That girl might be tough and whatever, but does she realize that she hurt her so much?
Losing, whether you like it or not.. It hurts !!! But, how you laugh at it, that called an art.
Best the beauty of losing is willing to hurt yourself to let others find their happiness. In this complicated world, if one of us is happy than it might enough.
*That's the art of losing...*